
Future delegates during an MUN training day

As a way of preparing the future delegates for ASMUN, the organisation gives training days at the participating schools. During the training, the students will get accustomed to all the underlying concepts of a MUN Conference.

The key to a successful MUN conference lies in three categories: Understanding how the committee sessions work (Rules of Procedure), delivering impactful speeches (public speaking) and writing down proposed solutions (writing draft resolutions & amendments). At the training day, we will address all of these concepts.


Rules of procedure

One of the most difficult concepts of a MUN to grasp, are the rules of procedure. These rules dictate the whole flow of the conference. These rules ensure order and formality in a committee session. Although, maybe the least interesting aspect, they are nonetheless very important to understand. As such, a great deal of attention goes to the understanding of the rules of procedure. 


Public speaking

Good ideas, confident posture and a strong voice: the three components of a good speech. During an MUN-conference, delivering a good speech can persuade fellow member states to follow your ideas. During the training day, we will not only  practice the  writing of a great speech, but how to deliver a great speech as well.


Writing draft resolutions

Training day

After delivering all those speeches, delegates need to find their allies and start working on a plan. The results of this co-operation should be written down in a formal document: a draft resolution. This document contains all the measures that will, according to the delegations, solve the issues at hand. During the training day, the staff will explain how one does write a  successful draft resolution



Putting it all into practice

After covering all the key elements of a MUN committee session, the students will participate in a small MUN Conference. Unlike at the real conference, all delegates will receive a confidential: a small document containing the countries position. The goal of the students is to represent their country in a MUN-setting on the given topic. This way, the students will be able to put all the training into practice in a more casual setting, instead of directly diving into the characteristic formal setting of a MUN.


Training material

The following training material is available for download:

The material from the trainings days:
