
The ASMUN conference is the day where all the delegates put their training into practice. On this day, they will prove that they are worthy delegates by applying creative problem solving and the acquired negotiation-skills.

Preparing for the conference

A MUN is governed by a lot of rules. While none of them are difficult, it is important to be familiar with these concepts. If you have any questions regarding the rules of procedure of the committee sessions, take a look at the Training page or Contact us.

Another important form of preparation is writing a position paper. Every delegate is required to hand in a position paper at the start of the committee sessions. Click here to read more about writing a position paper.

Lastly, since note-passing is going to be your main means of communication, it is important to bring enough paper. That way, you can respond to the speeches of other delegates without having to wait for an unmoderated caucus.

Structure conference

Opening ceremony

The conference starts with an opening ceremony. After that a member of the ASMUN team welcomed you, one or multiple guest speakers will provide helpful insight on international relations and other topics related to the conference.

Committee sessions

Afterwards, the delegates will go to their committee session: for the next few hours, they will represent 26219564_1793993320624533_6864026885488217377_ntheir country’s interest in a fierce debate. After heavy discussions, the delegates have found other allies and have formed a bloc. With this bloc they can write a draft resolution: a formal document that contains all their solutions. If all goes well, this same draft resolution will withstand the critique from the other delegates and will end up being accepted.

Closing  ceremony

After successful committee sessions, all participants from the conference come together one last time at the closing ceremony. It is at this point that the best three delegates of each committee will receive an award. This price shows them that the chair recognized their brilliance during the committee settings.