Less than a week left until ASMUN 2020!

Letter from the Secretary General

Dear delegates, 
Once upon a time…there was a delegate who was participating in ASMUN 2020. The bird chirping outside along with their alarm clock hammering on their eardrums reminded them that it was morning already. After snoozing their alarm five times, they decided to finally get up. They look at their phone to check the time and the latest notifications, of course. After leaving a few likes here and there and hyping up their friend’s new picture with comments like “wow!!” and tons of emojis, they suddenly realized that it was the 29th of January! The day of ASMUN! Quickly, they ate some breakfast, brushed their teeth and got all dressed up in their formal attire. “I’m ready.”, they thought to themselves.

They hopped onto their vehicle; let it be a car, a scooter, a bus, a bicycle or even a private jet (not very environment-friendly). After some time, they arrive at the Van der Valk hotel in Assen and enter onto the glimmering hallway. After being directed into the correct room, they quickly sat and patiently waited for the opening ceremony. It took them only a few seconds after settling down in their seat to realize that they did not actually prepare anything for ASMUN. Nothing. Niks. Rien. Nada. But it will be fine, right?

Nope. As they sit down in their committee, they see that they are unfortunate enough to be sitting close to the chairs (who seem very intimidating and scary). Then, the session begins. “Okay, fine,” they thought to themselves, “maybe, just maybe, if I’m quiet then they won’t look at me and ask me to speak.”; this gives you hope. That same hope is demolished right away as you are the first one to speak in General Speakers List. With bubblegum legs, you stand up, looking at the whiteboard to see what country you are (“Antigua and Barbuda? Is that a country!?”), and you proceed to give a speech of 30 seconds. It feels like 30 years to you. You do not even know the subject. You just blabber about world peace and the weather. The whole situation is awkward…

Well, do not let this happen to you, dear delegates. Prepare well for ASMUN 2020 to have some wonderful debate and a day full of intriguing talks and discussions! Trust me, you will feel better talking when you know what you are talking about. Facts make you strong! Do your research well, check out the committee division, take a look at your chairs and your committee guides, make a position paper and collect as much useful information as you can. 
I am looking forward to seeing you on the 29th!

Kindest of regards,
Ruqaya Zaki
Secretary General ASMUN 2020

ASMUN 2020: Our Future is Now.

Dear delegate,

The third ASMUN conference will take place on Wednesday the 29th of January 2020 in Van der Valk Assen. The theme for this year is: “Our Future is Now.” with the motto being: “Tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.“. With this theme, the five present committees will be focusing on relevant issues that are impacting our future. It is promised to be a day full of interesting negotiations, educational debate and, of course, a lot of challenging fun for the participating schools CS Vincent van Gogh, Carmel College and International School Groningen.

We are looking forward to see your participation on the 29th of January!

Yours faithfully,
The Inner Circle

Click here to download the ASMUN 2020 Conference Guide
Click here to download the ASMUN 2020 Delegate Division



United Nations Security Council (UNSC)

The United Nations Security Council, established in 1945 as one of the six principal organs of the United Nations, is known to be the United Nations’ smallest and most powerful council. The main purpose of the United Nations Security Council is to maintain international peace and security. 

For ASMUN 2020, the Security Council will be debating about the terrorist organization AQIM. This terrorist group has been causing tension and fear in the Middle East. The committee session will be attended by 16 member states. 
Click here to download the UNSC 2020 committee guide

Chairs: Maksim Tibben and Dominique Hemmes

United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC)

The Human Rights Council focuses mainly on human rights violations, it only has the right to give recommendations on how to proceed with certain acts as prescribed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 

For ASMUN 2020, the UNHRC will be discussing the alleged human rights violations in Xinjiang,  China where there have been reports of violence and discrimination against the Uighurs (Chinese muslims). The committee session will be attended by 27 member states. 
Click here to download the UNHRC 2020 committee guide

Chairs: Camiel Koning and David Dijkman








United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

The United Nations Environment Programme is the leading global environmental authority that sets the global environmental agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations system, and serves as an authoritative advocate for the global environment

For ASMUN 2020, the UNEP will be examining the subject matter of the corruption present in Africa and how this corruption is hindering the path to development and growth. The committee session will be attended by 16 member states. 
Click here to download the UNEP 2020 committee guide

Chairs: Carla Arnold and Hidde Wildeman










United Nations Economic and Social Council (UNECOSOC)

UNECOSOC’s responsibility lies at coordinating almost every aspect that has to do with economic and social problems discussed by the United Nations. 

For ASMUN 2020, the committee will be discussing how to ensure universal primary and secondary education for all the citizens of our globe. The committee session will be attended by 25 member states.
Click here to download the UNECOSOC 2020 committee guide

Chairs: Elke de Jong and Merle Marit Heegen








United Nations General Assembly (UNGA)

The responsibility of the General Assembly lies with coordinating almost every international issue covered by the charter of the United Nations. Such issues are for example development problems and anything related to international law.

For ASMUN 2020, the committee will be discuss how to start providing free medication for the diseases HIV, malaria and tuberculosis to the HIPC (Heavily Indebted Poor Countries) countries. The committee session will be attended by 22 member states. 
Click here to download the UNGA 2020 committee guide

Chairs: Lysanne Hoen and Eline Vianen






Inner Circle

This year’s ASMUN is organized by six enthusiastic students from CS Vincent van Gogh. They are all in their senior year and have made sure this event is deemed to be successful! The organizers are Ruqaya Zaki, Julie Hunze, Anna van Beek, Anya Deshpande, Pim Beute and Nesta Sikkema.